Do you have any questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you still need help please contact us.

Delivery & Returns

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship worldwide. Shipping costs vary depending on the country and will be calculated at checkout. Please contact us if you can not find your country in the list.

How long does shipping take?

Please allow up to 7 working days for delivery to the UK. Shipping to Europe and USA takes around 10-14 days. Large or custom orders can take a few days longer. Kindly note that we have no control over any courier delays once your order is shipped.

What is your refund & return policy?

We do not offer returns or exchanges on any of our products. However if you have any problem please contact us and we will try our best to resolve any issues.

Customs duties & taxes

Please note, customers are responsible for paying any custom duties & taxes of their country.

Custom Orders & Alterations

I'm looking for a particular colour dirac, do you offer different colours?

Yes, just let us know the colour combinations you need and we will sort that for you. If possible send us pictures of the kind of colours/shades you're looking for so we can best match it.

Can you make any style dirac?

Yes! Our custom service allows you to customise any of our diracs in style you like. E.g. off-shoulder style, one arm dirac, short sleeve or an added internal belt.

Please let us know your height and dress size when ordering ad we will contact you if we need more information.

How can I alter the dirac dimensions?

All our diracs come in a standard length of around 60", however if you like your dirac shortened or made more narrow please let us know and we will sort it for you free of charge.